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  1. Hey Everyone

    Hello, to whom ever will be reading this blog. If you have taken
    the time to review my writings I thank you. Ill try to make this blog as interesting as my real life (so you will probably get bored easily ). Well anyway this is my first entry so I would like to use the first couple of paragraphs to truely introduce myself.

    My birth name is James Cole Avalos-Rogers. However for the ease of it I just go by Cole Rogers, however please just call me Cole. Im 16 years old and I ...
  2. Harro!

    Just wanted to pop in and say "harro" to everyone while I have a minute!

    Updated 07-09-2010 at 09:49 AM by FLiPsTa

    Tags: flipsta, harro, pewp, wtf Add / Edit Tags